Vancity Impact Stories of social enterprise

Social enterprises and social ventures are businesses with a community purpose. We offer products, programs and services to help social enterprises from early planning to sustainability and expansion. Our range of supports for high impact ventures includes flexible financing, learning opportunities, and other resources that activate success. Here are stories that capture social enterprises and social ventures in action and how Vancity supports them.
- ICA is bridging the gap, culturally and financially
The Inter-Cultural Association of Greater Victoria, Victoria/Gulf Islands - The Cleaning Solution offers socially and environmentally friendly service
The Cleaning Solution, Vancouver, BC - Common Thread recycled bags create sustainable jobs for hard-to-employ workers
Common Thread, Vancouver, BC - Fairware Promotional Products delivers swag with a conscience
Fairware Promotional Products, Vancouver, BC - Corporate Knights strives to be "the company for clean capitalism"
Corporate Knights, Global - Mission Possible and Vancity join forces to create job opportunities in the Downtown Eastside
Mission Possible, Vancouver, BC - Street Youth Job Action believes in people so they can believe in themselves
Directions Youth Services Centre, Vancouver, BC - A little support goes a long way for Potluck Café Society
Potluck Café Society, Vancouver, BC - EMBERS: Igniting employment opportunities in the Downtown Eastside
EMBERS, Vancouver, BC - Hard-to-employ workers given a leg up with the JustWork Economic Initiative
JustWork, Vancouver, BC - Mission Possible and Vancity join forces to create job opportunities in the Downtown Eastside
Mission Possible Compassionate Ministries Society, Vancouver, BC - East Van Roasters: from bean to bar
Vancouver, BC - United We Can leads the way for Vancouver social enterprises
Vancouver, BC - Emma’s Acres: Growing more than gardens
Mission, BC - SelfDesign Learning Foundation offers children an alternative way to learn
SelfDesign Learning Foundation, BC - Affinity Bridge: Web solutions with soul
Affinity Bridge, Vancouver, BC - Fresh Roots Urban Farm Society takes first prize in Vancity’s Good Money™ Impact Venture Challenge
Fresh Roots Urban Farm Society, Vancouver, BC - Flexible, environmentally conscious daycare available in Vancouver
Budding Children's Daycare, Vancouver, BC - Balancing creativity and business acumen
Electric Company Theatre, Vancouver, BC - Fairy Cakes puts gourmet vegan cupcakes on the map
Fairy Cakes, Vancouver, BC - Galiano Conservancy Association establishes nature preserve
Galiano Conservancy Association, Galiano Island, BC - QuickMobile and Vancity envision a future with paperless conferences
Quick Mobile, Vancouver, BC
- Resilient Capital Program financing supports APMI's growth
Atira Property Management Inc, Vancouver, BC
Impact lending and investment programs
Learn how Vancity invests in social enterprise and social venture; from financing and granting to partnerships, networking, events and resources.