Financial Savvy

Vancity invests in financial literacy because one of the first steps on the road to self-sufficiency is financial education - providing the information and tools people need to make sound decisions about their money.
- TAPS untangles taxes for those most in need
Together Against Poverty Society (TAPS), Victoria, BC - Hope in Shadows calendars create dignified employment in the Downtown Eastside
Pivot Legal Society,Vancouver, BC -
Victoria Health Co-operative: making change possible
Victoria, BC -
DIVERSEcity: Breaking down barriers with microloans
DiverseCity, Lower Mainland, BC -
ISSofBC Welcome House Centre sets new standard in refugee services
Vancouver, BC -
Healthy Choices: Making change possible
Victoria Community Health Co-operative, Victoria and Saanich, BC -
Each One, Teach One: Promoting financial literacy and independence
Each One Teach One, Vancouver, BC -
Vancity’s support for free income tax advice returns millions to local communities
ACORN Canada, BC
Impact lending and investment programs
Learn how Vancity invests in financial literacy programs.